
乐团先后邀请了张眉、黄晓同、张艺、王永吉、曹鹏、T.Svedlun (瑞典)、曹丁、李心草、沈晔、张国勇、赵泯九(韩国)、林友声、J.Lamminmaki(芬兰)、张洁敏、傅人长、陈燮阳、卞祖善、Jerome Hoberman(美国)、Manlio Polletta(意大利)、陈永华(香港)、Eric Lederhandler(比利时)、David Kram(澳大利亚)、潘明伦(香港)等著名指挥家任客席指挥,并邀请众多国外演奏家加盟公演。经过多年的艺术实践,乐团在训练方式、曲目范围、艺术水准以及演奏风格等方面正日臻成熟。

Wan Fang Youth Symphony Orchestra (YSO) of Shanghai Normal University was founded with the university’s music department ensemble as its backbone. Approved by Shanghai Cultural Bureau, the YSO has been professional YSO. The Director of Orchestra dean of music college, professor Cong Li.The Deputy Director and The Director of Orchestra Education Office of Shanghai Normal University. Mr. Wang Wanjin is in charge of the YSO.
Since its foundation, the YSO has given more than 200 symphony concerts and has successfully cooperated with Central and Shanghai TV Stations and Radio Stations as well as other films production centers for performance. The YSO has also successfully given a number of performances in Shanghai Grand Hall, Shanghai Music Hall, Beijing Music Hall, and Guang Zhou Xing Hai Music Hall, Shanghai Centre Theatre, Art Theatre, Oriental Art Centre Theatre, Hong Kong Cultue Centre Music Hall, Macao Cultural Centre Theatre. YSO has done a lot to the popularity of music and given performances in more than 20 universities; Beijing University; QingHua University and universities in Shanghai, Guang Zhou, Tian jin, ShanXi XiAn .etc. YSO was given warm welcome everywhere. After the YSO recorded Video CDs of Brahms’Second Symphony in D Major in 1990, China Recording Company Shanghai Branches also published a set of Tchaikovsky’s works performed in March, 2001. The set of CDs has won high comments from different experts.
The out standing conductors, Prof. Zhang Mei; Huang Xiaotong; Zhang Yi; Cao Peng; T. Svedlund(Swedish); Cao Ding; Li Xincao; Shen Ye and Zhang Guoyong; Zhao Minjiu(Korea); Lin Yousheng; J. Lamminmaki (Finland); Zhang Jiemin; Fu Renchang; Chen Xieyang; Bian Zushan; Jerome Hoberman(U.S.A); Manlio Polletta(Italy); Chan Wing-wah(HongKong); Eric Lederhandler(Belgium); David Kram(Australia);Johnny Poon (HongKong);Bian zushan. etc. were invited to be guest conductors of the orchestra. Now the orchestra is becoming more and more mature in the ways of training, programs and styles of performances.